Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's The Little Things

I'm sorry to say that I've been writing some pretty funny blogs in my head. Too bad you're not in there.

I've worked a lot this week so I never wrote about the hike with my dog, on which I saw lots of earthworms and a banana slug, four wild tom turkeys then seven more wild jane turkeys.

You haven't heard about how I've been itching my head like I'm practicing for an olympic event. Just mention the word "lice" with the words "spotted" and "in your daughter's class" in the same sentence and I'm going just nuts here. I'm certain I've written about lice before, but in case that was in my head, too, I'll say that I had it twice - way back when - and it's quite icky. I don't see it on my girls and I'm calculating the odds that I have it and they don't. I think the odds are in my favor, but I'm pretty sure that you can't place bets in Vegas for that.

I showed my youngest daughter a website about lice just the other day. They had this video of a person carefully combing a little girl's hair with a lice comb. Metal. The comb just slid through the hair because it had conditioner or something (and the little girl didn't complain or cry once! Which just tells you she's a really good actress!) That, and the advice that I got here, I decided to get me one of them there combs. I've already looked in three stores. Where on earth do you get a metal lice comb? Do you have to buy the lice shampoo to get it. I'm only trying to indulge my hypochondriac-ly tendencies and don't actually think I need the shampoo just yet.

What I really need to do is stop using this stuff that I spray in my hair to make my curls really pretty. It's the only thing different that I've been doing to my hair and I think my scalp is sensitive to it. My scalp is sensitive to a lot of stuff, which is also why I can't use conditioner anymore. I'm just getting used to how cute these curls are and when I'm faced with blah-hair in the morning or cute curls with itchy scalp, I can't help myself and throw caution to the wind.

I have GOT to go to bed. But one last little thing. My husband is immortal. His biopsy was melanoma. Fortunately, the depth was about half what mine was, which means he's in pretty good shape and they got it early. I want to bring cookies to my Dermatologist when I see him in a couple of weeks. I'm so grateful to him for studying in med school, if you know what I mean.


hokgardner said...

Phew on your husband's biopsy - not that they found melanoma, but that they caught it early.

And thanks for the shout out.

ckh said...

It's almost like we're auditioning for a reality show, isn't it? This might be my way of learning the Life Lesson to take things in stride and not try to control everything - because I can't. I wasn't really worried about him and it feels a little selfish, but perhaps it's just my confidence that he will be okay.

Anonymous said...

TIP OF THE DAY: If you want your hair to stay nice and curly keeping eating the crust off your bread.

And I'm starting to think your doctor(s) call any blemish melanoma to allow them to miraculously "save" the day. Our forefathers did alot of work out in the sun and they didn't drop like flys from melanoma...just my two cents. And keep eating that crust...

Marie: said...

Okay, please don't think I'm crazy for giving you this suggestion; it's just a thought. (My kids have not had lice, so not speaking from first-hand experience here.) When we got our most recent puppy, she was loaded with fleas... and fleas have eggs... and flea dirt and that stuff sticks. We bought a metal flea comb in the pet department... it worked really well to get all that stuff off of her hair. I wonder, just wonder, if this is the same type of comb as a lice comb? I am thinking it is. Close fit metal tines meant to get on every hair... might do the trick for you?

ckh said...

I think a pet flea comb is perfect!

and Anonymous - is that Mr. Anonymous? I'll get right on that crust!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am the infamous Mr. Anonymous - and for what it is worth I do not shop for personal items in the PET DEPT. Though at times I do have a hankerin' for Beggin' Strips....

ckh said...

Oh, you crack me up!