Tuesday, November 01, 2011

That Time Again...

Ah...November 1st.

I am always inspired to write on November 1st. I haven't written a thing in nearly two-months, but suddenly, the inspiration has arrived and I am ready to go. It's National Novel Writing Month, of course. (aka NaNoWriMo) I've attempted several times, but it was my very first attempt at which I succeeded in writing a novel. My first novel. My - so far - only novel.

My head is bursting with ideas and the gears are turning. And for some odd reason, I'm inclined to blog when I know it is a distraction. It's kind of like the sniffles with the cold. They go together.

Do you have a novel in you? Write one.


hokgardner said...

Nope, no novel in me.

But I hold anyone who writes a novel in high esteem.

ckh said...

I hold anyone who can knit socks in high esteem. ;)